Full Story Behind Ke$ha "Die Young" - I Was FORCED to Sing Controversial 'Die Young' Lyrics
Kesha Rose Sebert , well know as Ke$ha,
She has admitted by herself that she was forced to sing "DIE YOUNG".
She said on tweeter that the song is inappropriate & she already have problem with this song, adding the following line to her tweet ;
"I had my very own issues with "die young" for this reason. I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO."
Even though, she was listed as one of the writes of the song !!!
The lyrics include this: "Let's make the most of the night like we're
gonna die young. We're gonna die young. We're gonna die young."
After her tweet, lots of people started blame game on her, but still she cannot explain why she was forced to sing those lyrics.
Behind the Walls
‘Warrior’ singer Ke$ha received the news that her latest single ‘Die Young‘ had been pulled from some US radio outlets, as not to offend any affected by last week’s Sandy Hook elementary school massacre.
However, in what saw the upsetting story rear another ugly head, the
star sparked confusion when she tweeted that she agreed with the
decision to pull the song, and that she had been forced to sing the
song’s lyrics against her will.
Deleting that tweet minutes after posting it, she then found herself
quizzed on what she had meant by the remark, which many believed had
been aimed at long time collaborator Dr.Luke.
Now, her mother has gotten in on the action- retweeting a number of disturbing messages sent in to her by her fans.